Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Manager at Store #1255 Baldwin Park

We Got A New Manager

We recently got a new manager at the Baldwin Park store (Fresh And Easy).  So far I think he is 95% better than the manager we had before.  Not to put him down and say that the manager before was total &#$*, but the motivation as a "manager" was just not there.  My anxiety was SO high every time he was at the store.  Mr. F (keeping his name secret) lacked the communication between all TL's (team leaders)and pretty much the whole store;  It was more of a he said she said basis.  Waste and poor scheduling was a heavy cloud hovering over the manager and the store.  So far, waste is still a threat but the fact that we are in a new direction with a new manager is a good feeling.
Personally, it was literally a slap in the face when we received our quarterly bonus.  I didn't think it was fair coming from a store that received a higher bonus, to a store was a disaster.  The recent months I gave my job a good look Through.  Looking in from 3rd person perspective, I didn't think it was fair for the amount of work I was doing and only getting paid a little amount.  Every extra hour I worked, I did not see an extra cent (it was all taxed).  The bonus was a couple months ago but the fact of getting a very small amount was lets say, BULLSHIT.  What really made me upset the most, was that nobody really cared to make any changes during that time.  With our new quarterly bonus coming soon again, I could only imagine that the amount might be same.
Now that we have a new manager, I can see the change.  Our district manager came in for a visit the other day and he was fairly pleased with the new changes (only 2 days) that store made.  Aisle 3 (yogurts) was in the tip top shape it has EVER been.  It was just the little things that we had to overlook and go through.
With the new manager here at the store, I am very pleased with what has changed.  Moving forward, I hope to gain experience with this new manager, make this store (Baldwin Park) #1.  It is going to take time but I've got all the time in the world.  I am also glad to say that I look forward to going to work again.  I hope for new beginnings.
Promotion outlook good again.  Don't know when but I could only imagine it is only time until I hear from top people.

Good to be back blogging


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our new Bird

We recently got a new bird. A cinnamon green cheek conure. I'd like to thank Omar's Exotic Birds in Brea, California. They helped us out with picking out our new wing friend. You can visit Omar's Exotic Birds online at Omarsexoticbirds.com
Ollie (we named him/her) has been with us since Sat. Ollie is short for Olivia or Oliver because we don't know whether it is male or female. Pics are soon to come stay with!!!

Oh and sorry it has been a while since I've been on.
