Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 7-California Crisis

Hello everyone, this is day 7. I though about not writing one today because of how my post was yesterday but I need to stick to goal.
I do however want to say that I am sorry about yesterdays post.  Fresh & Easy is a great company, in fact it can be even more than a great company if they change a few of their operations.  It is also a great company to work for.  For the most part it pays well, it has great benefits, PTO, and 401K.
It is still a baby company and they still need to work out the bugs within the system because we all know that no system is great.
On the lighter side of things,  I spoke with my dad yesterday after work and discussed how the rest of this month and next will be.
I am happy to hear that my father is proud of me for what I've accomplished and where I am heading.  It is a really good feeling inside.  There were a few things that I wanted to discuss like what are we going to do with my car, cell phone, etc (the little things)  Come to find out that I am going to keep my cell phone, and my dad was going to sell the car to a guy that works at my dads store.  The guy is looking for transportation to get to and from work.
I am really going to miss my parents and West Covina.  This was my home town and this is where my childhood was, but we all grow up sometime or another and this time it is for a long distance.

Did anyone hear on the news last night about the budget crisis for California?????  Get ready people of California, there is going to be more layoffs and cutbacks!!!!!
Read this article about Governor Brown speaking about this issues 

Budget protest

Very interesting to me.....Lets just say its a good time to get out.
I hope that whoever reads my Day 7 Blog Please understand that California is going to sink pretty fast and think about your future.  I don't think California is going to last much longer.

Anyways, DAY 7 in the books...
PLEASE let me know what you think about this issue in California because it may effect you.....

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