Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Remembering the Good Times


Chris Lopez, East LA, So. DH, .453 BAVG, 9 HR, 37 RBI, .895 SLUG. PCT.
Hector Molina, East LA, So. RH, 7-1, 2.64 ERA, 61.1 INN
James Hines, East LA
(East LA College Conference Champions)
Note—Statistics are based on 24-Game Conference schedule

Starting Pitchers
Damian Gatti (Mt. San Antonio, Fr. RH), 5-2, 1.82 ERA, 49.1 INN, 41 K, 2 CG
Steve Conradi (Long Beach, Fr. RH), 5-2, 1.62 ERA, 61 INN, 3 CG
Benjamin Horner (East LA, So. RH), 6-1, 4.46 ERA, 38.1 INN
Kyle Pond (LA Harbor, Fr. RH), 5-0, 4.60 ERA, 58.2 INN
Relief Pitcher
Richard Navarette (East LA, So. RH), 1-2, 1.91 ERA, 3 SV, 33 INN, 37 K
Tommy Peale (Long Beach, Fr. IF-P), .367, 1 HR, 24 RBI; 5-2, 2.36 ERA, 48 K, 49.2 INN
Brad Schwarzenbach (Cerritos, Fr.), .300, 1 HR, 22 RBI
First Baseman
Daniel Jones (Mt. San Antonio, So.), .441, 1 HR, 4 3B, 28 RBI
Edgar Sedano (East LA, So. SS), .405, 6 HR, 40 Runs, 21 BB, 19 RBI
Jaime Ballesteros (Compton, Fr. 3B), .426, 5 HR, 16 2B, 24 RBI
Matt Venegas (Mt. San Antonio, Fr. SS), .361, 18 RBI
Greg Johnston (Mt. San Antonio, Fr. 2B), .326, 5 3B, 16 RBI
Robbie Carter (Mt. San Antonio, So.), .393, 10 2B, 20 BB, 16 RBI
Bryan Kepner (Cerritos, So.), .317, 4 3B, 1 HR, 19 RBI
Tino Gomez (El Camino, So.), .412, 3 HR, 15 RBI
Fernando Franco (East LA, So.), .402, 13 SAC, 13 RBI
Designated Hitter
Billy Hernandez (El Camino, So.), .321, 12 2B, 4 HR, 21 RBI
Starting Pitchers

Steve Luyben (Cerritos, Fr. RH), 3-5, 3.66 ERA, 64 INN, 9 Starts, 44 K
Travis Ward (Mt. San Antonio, Fr. LH), 5-1, 2.98 ERA, 54.1 INN
Edward Acevedo (East LA, So. RH), 1-1, 4.50 ERA, 26 INN, 23 K
Jeff McKinley (El Camino, Fr. RH), 5-1, 2.44 ERA, 51.2 INN
Sean O’Leary (Mt. San Antonio, So. RH), 5-1, 54.2 INN, 2 CG
Relief Pitcher
Scott Simmons (Long Beach, So. RH), 1-1, 0.95 ERA, 3 SV
Phil Van Doren (Cerritos, Fr. OF-P), .359, 12 RBI, 1 K in 80 PA; 5-3, 2.96 ERA, 51.2 INN
Derek Leveque (East LA, So.), .333, 2 HR, 16 RBI
First Baseman
Kurt Crowell (East LA, So.), .329, 1 HR, 18 RBI
Carlos Gonzalez (LA Harbor, So. 2B-3B), .386, 1 HR, 21 RBI
Michael Diaz (East LA, So.), .364, 1 HR, 22 RBI
Ryan Averkieff (Long Beach, Fr.), .327, 9 2B, 20 RBI
Jorge Franco (LA Harbor, So. SS), .356, 16 SB, 13 RBI
Dane Braunecker (El Camino, Fr.), .329, 10 RBI
Matt Mendrun (Mt. San Antonio, Fr.), .337, 10 2B, 1 HR, 27 RBI
Eugene Edwards (Long Beach, So.), .388, 4 3B, 11 SB, 1 HR, 17 RBI
Cody Kissell (Mt. San Antonio, Fr.), .348, 3 3B, 16 RBI
Andy Beard (Long Beach, Fr.), .400, 2 HR, 19 RBI
Designated Hitter
Chris Warters (Pasadena, Fr.), .456 (conference batting champion), 15 RBI

Cerritos: Earl Powell (So. DH), Dan Luyben (Fr. 2B), Jerome Fortin (So. RHP)
Compton: Daniel Quintero (So. 1B), Marques Jenkins (So. OF), Jose Talmantes (Fr. C)
East LA: Chris Rodriguez (So. RHP), Andrew Soto (So. RHP), Alex Gonzalez (Fr. OF)
El Camino: Mike Zuanich (Fr. 1B), Chris Fox (Fr. OF), Miguel Juarez (So. C)
Long Beach: Jason Dufloth (So. RHP), Kevin Monahan (So. OF), Matt Brooks (So. C)
Los Angeles City: Rafael Chavez (Fr. C)
Los Angeles Harbor: Raul Landeros (Fr. 1B), Steve Garcia (Fr. IF), Daniel Flores (Fr. OF)
Mt. San Antonio: Matt Wetzel (So. C)
Pasadena: Jose Udave (So. OF), Charles Brown (So. 3B-OF), Costa Ananias (So. 2B)

Lenz Field & Sports Complex

Lenz Field & Sports Complex

Lenz Field & Sports Complex sits nicely in a corner pocket Northwest in Jacksonville, Illinois.  This complex was finished in 2009 and is probably the best sports complex in the Midwest.  The complex  started out from being a dream.   That dream of constructing baseball fields similar to The Ripken Experience in Myrtle Beach, S.C., the university of Illinois Baseball Field in Champaign, IL; and the Tampa Bay Rays Tropicana Field.  

Well, the dream can true with the construction of the first field here in Jacksonville, Illinois (which is now called Field #4).  Field #4 was constructed in 2007 with 100% turf and has not been rained out for over 3 years!  With a total of 5 complete fields, Lenz Field & Sports Complex held over 100 teams throughout the year in numerous tournaments. 

I began working at Lenz Field in August and am pretty stoked.  I never knew that I would get a job working within my field here in Illinois.  I thought I was going to settle for a managers position at some podunk retail store, but nonetheless, something else caught my interest.  My intended goal was to get a normal job and maybe go back to school to obtain my Masters degree.  That goal is still intact but the options are endless with the possibilities of what field I want to get it in.  

More information is to come 

Friday, August 10, 2012

We made it to Illinois!!! 
Well is has been about a month,
but I am happy to say that we have both found jobs within the same week!!!

I am happy to say that my wife Alicia has found a job here in town within the same field as the job that she had in California.  The other great thing is that I also found a job here in town as well.  When we got here to Jacksonville, it was hard to find jobs, especially for me because nobody was hiring.  It then came about a week and a half ago that we both got jobs and we start on August 6th.  Both of us are working jobs within our degrees.
I found a this great opportunity to work at this awesome facility.  You can check the website out www.lenzfield.com  I am happy to say that I am working in the field that I love.  It feel really good to be back with baseball especially being a Special Event Coordinator.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 7-California Crisis

Hello everyone, this is day 7. I though about not writing one today because of how my post was yesterday but I need to stick to goal.
I do however want to say that I am sorry about yesterdays post.  Fresh & Easy is a great company, in fact it can be even more than a great company if they change a few of their operations.  It is also a great company to work for.  For the most part it pays well, it has great benefits, PTO, and 401K.
It is still a baby company and they still need to work out the bugs within the system because we all know that no system is great.
On the lighter side of things,  I spoke with my dad yesterday after work and discussed how the rest of this month and next will be.
I am happy to hear that my father is proud of me for what I've accomplished and where I am heading.  It is a really good feeling inside.  There were a few things that I wanted to discuss like what are we going to do with my car, cell phone, etc (the little things)  Come to find out that I am going to keep my cell phone, and my dad was going to sell the car to a guy that works at my dads store.  The guy is looking for transportation to get to and from work.
I am really going to miss my parents and West Covina.  This was my home town and this is where my childhood was, but we all grow up sometime or another and this time it is for a long distance.

Did anyone hear on the news last night about the budget crisis for California?????  Get ready people of California, there is going to be more layoffs and cutbacks!!!!!
Read this article about Governor Brown speaking about this issues 

Budget protest

Very interesting to me.....Lets just say its a good time to get out.
I hope that whoever reads my Day 7 Blog Please understand that California is going to sink pretty fast and think about your future.  I don't think California is going to last much longer.

Anyways, DAY 7 in the books...
PLEASE let me know what you think about this issue in California because it may effect you.....

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 6

Just to keep myself updated, this is day 6 of my month long trial run for my blog.  So far it has been REALLY hard coming up with ideas to talk about.  Skipping days 3-5 and moving straight on lol.  
Lately I have been feeling really drawn back from working any harder for Fresh & Easy.  I am definitely not saying that I am going to sit like a log and not do anything but, I feel that anything extra that needs to be done I am going to question.....WHY?. 
 I feel that Fresh & Easy focuses on a lot of different aspects in the store but they don't seem to understand what ACTUALLY GOES ON IN THE STORE.  I think the company really took a down fall for me when they did not provide the canvas bags for Earth Day.  They gave out SO many coupons for a free bag with a $20 purchase, but FAIL MISERABLY on providing the bags for the customers!!!!!  FRESH AND EASY.....do you realize how many customers we lost because of this????!!!!  We had customers literally leave their baskets and carts at the register because there WAS NO BAG   
There have been many more incidences that have occurred in my years with this company but I don't want to disclose anything information that may get me in trouble. Overall, I just feel really burnt out, over worked and underpaid for what I do.
As I said before I am really glad that Alicia and I are making this decision to move back to Illinois.  
This post is how I feel right now and I hope that whoever reads this and works for Fresh And Easy please let me know how you feel.  I would really love to hear some thoughts and feelings about where you think this company is heading.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 2

Hello Y'all

This is day 2 of my month trial run.  I am really thankful for the people that are in my life.  This move to Illinois is really big and I cannot wait to get out there and make a career.  I don't have much to say hopefully tomorrow and be a little better.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Morning Coach!!!

Okay, so I've been listening to Morning Coach on Itunes since December and I'm not a member yet, but I can definitely tell you that listening to this podcast every Monday morning helps me get motivated throughout the day.  If you have Itunes I recommend downloading his daily podcasts.  Just listening to him for 10 to 15 min. helps me little by little and makes me realize that I'm not the only one out there.  Hearing his story and other peoples problems that may come up in their lives, he helps me realize where I'm at and makes me take a step back.  By stepping back and looking into my situations, it makes me slow down and think.
Life is about having fun and living each day to the fullest.  I just listened to a podcast episode about adventure.  On my days off, I usually sit at home and play Xbox.  What I need to do and get OUT of the apartment and go for a hike or a bike ride;  create an adventure.  The reason why I do stay at home is because if I do go out, I tend to spend my money on stupid stuff that I don't really need.  By listening to this podcast and following the Morning Coach, I tend to forget the stupid stuff that I don't need and focus on my enjoyment.
That is why I am glad that my wife and I have made the decision to move to Illinois.  California is a busy, messed up, and unethical State.  I'm not saying that Illinois is better but changing the scenery and the environment can definitely make us a little more stress free about getting through each day and live our lives.
 I at first did not enjoy my time in Missouri when I went to college, but when I got out and about, I had a lot of fun.  I got into fishing and am really excited to get back into it.  I enjoy watching the weather and storms in the Midwest and is definitely one of my new hobbies.  I am going to miss my family and friends here in California, but it makes a better feeling to come back and visit than it is to plan something for a weekend when we did live here.

I am going to start writing my feelings and my thoughts on this blog.  This day will be my 1st day and I'm going to try and do a month.  After the month I will see where I am at and go from there.  I would like people to comment on how they are feeling about where they are at in their lives and create topics to talk about so that each day, we can try and get those feelings out and live each day to our fullest.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to log into your Fresh and Easy Friends Card Account

Hello all viewers!!!!
I am going to show you how simple it is to log into your account with your Friends Cards.
-You first want to go to https://friends.freshandeasy.com/microsite/home.aspx
(just click or right click on the link above to open on a new tab)

-Click on Friends Card in the middle of the screen.

-A new window will pop up and you'll need to click on "create your account now"

-If you haven't created an account, this is where you would want to log in your information with your email address.  Fresh And Easy will be sending you emails to your yahoo or any email account that you may have about your rewards points and what extra points you can receive by purchasing certain items.

-If you already have an account just click on SIGN IN.

My suggestion is to save this HTTP site to your desktop for fast access.  Here is the link if you don't want to waste time doing https://friends.freshandeasy.com/microsite/home.aspx

-Once you've signed in, your personal Fresh And Easy account loads up and it will show you on the left side how many points you have saved up so far.

-To convert those points to cash you will need to click on MY POINTS AND CASH REWARDS

-Below your points available you will be able to convert your points to Cash Rewards by clicking on the

-Once you click on that, you notice a certain amount of money from your points collection is converted into cash.  You will then be able to purchase items at your local Fresh and Easy Market.  Make sure you select Rewards on the screen at the checkout stand and slide the card like you would a debit or credit.

Hopefully this works for you and hopefully you can understand the website a little better to able to see and convert your points.

Let me know if you have other questions or concerns and please feel free to add me.


Friday, April 27, 2012


WOW a lot has happened since November of last year.  To sum it down, my wife and I have decided to move back to the Midwest.  She is from Illinois and we both have seen better job opportunities.  We have also seen that we can possible own PROPERTY!!! Living out here in California, going on almost 4 years, things have been a roller coaster.  The thought of starting a family and owning property really gets me excited.  Never thought I would say this but I do miss the Midwest.  There are a lot of things that people don't feel in there life time.  Southern California is a very beautiful state, but who takes time to enjoy mother nature? Who just parks their car and says screw work today, I think I'm going to go hiking in the mountains or go fishing down at the beach.  Most people like us cannot just leave our duties and do that.  Maybe it's our choice for being in the field that we are in but there are other factors that arise.
I do feel however emotionally pulled because I am going to miss Southern California and I had a good thing going with my career at Fresh And Easy.  On the other hand there are a lot of reasons why I want to leave this state and move to some place less stressful.  Another thing too, is that, I have been told many things with my growth with Fresh And Easy but none of it fell through and when asked, I feel like I'm not being told the right answers.  Basically being lied to.  But none the less, I shrug things off and just do my job.
As of June we are planning to start packing for our trip back.

Sad news but for good causes.