Sunday, July 31, 2011


My Tattoo in Black

Alicia's Tattoo in Gray

My first tattoo.  My wife and I got our tattoo cherries popped yesterday!!!  It was kind of on a wim.  We have always wanted to get one but just haven't found the right saying or picture to get.  Most people just get tattoo's because society or peer pressure.  Others and I should say most people as well get them because they have meaning and substance behind it.
We got our tattoo in Italian.  Finche morte non ci separi meaning till death do us part- we added the date in roman numerals to remind us of the date we got married and because it goes with the whole Italian style.
Alicia (my wife) got her in gray.  She did not want it to be very noticeable.  She was going to get in white but the shop said that there were too many problems with getting it in white.  Her tattoo took the longest where as mine only took about 20 min at most.  This morning when we woke, you can definitely tell how deep the lady had to press into her skin.  The artist had to go over it about three times because of complexity of the tattoo.

  1. The color of the tattoo
  2. The color (Gray) was a filler and the only gray she had, the ink was going a little dry
  3. The position of the tattoo
Mine wasn't to complexed.  The artist said the she loved working with black ink.  
To actually inquire about the tattoo experience, I must say, I was very impressed.  I can see why people think it is addicting.
The rush you get when you are either laying or sitting down.  The feeling of the needle piercing your skin.  The pain wasn't too extreme.  I would say the anticipation before she started was the worst part, with the start she made.  
Now, Alicia and I are planning another tattoo adventure.  Something that has to do with feet prints on the back with our child's first name and the birth date.  (for her)
I would like to my family crest either on my back left shoulder or left arm.  

Tell me about your first tattoo experience or the dream of getting one in the near future.  Now that I have one and experience it, I can give you the 411 on what I know so far.  Please let me know what you think!!!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ugh just another day

I normally would want to blog everyday, but some days I just don't get around to it.  Today I have something very interesting though at work.  For all you Fresh & Easy customers beware!!! the coupon that has been sent out through your email is somewhat a misprint.  It states "Buy one, get one free from our  In-Store Bakery."  Here is the problem.  The coupon fails to state where there is a Fresh & Easy that has an "In-Store Bakery."  Not all Fresh & Easy store carry a bakery and to add, at this point, stores are going under-construction to provide an In-Sore Bakery.  The only stores that I know of that have an "In-Store Bakery" is Whittier and Pico Rivera.

3301 Whittier Boulevard
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 907-2540

8921 Washington Boulevard
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 942-1782

For more information Please go to the fresh and easy website
And email me or add to my blog what you feel


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fresh And Easy

Fresh and Easy!!!
I want to talk a little bit about Fresh and Easy.  Fresh and Easy came to california about 4 years ago.  By changing the way people shop for groceries, they first opened their doors on the West Coast (so cal, Arizona, and Nevada)  Today, on July 27th 2011, they have broaden their area by expanding stores up the California coast towards Nor Cal and more stores in the desert area.
I myself heard about this store when in college.  Hearing about these great new and exciting ideas about the grocery business, I was really intrigued.  Upon graduating from Culver-Stockton College, I got myself a position at the West Covina store.  I first started out as a CA (know as a Customer Assistant) and worked way up the chain to be a TL (Team Leader or also known as an Assistant Manager)  I have worked for Fresh and Easy for almost 3 years and I can tell it has had its ups and downs.  Right now I am working towards being an Assistant/Store Manager.
Fresh and Easy offers great pay and competitive prices compared to other grocery store chains.  I worked at Albertsons while attending Mount San Antonio College as a bag boy and let me tell you, it suck.  Fresh and Easy gave me not only great hours but also great benefits.  It is also a fun place to work.
I would like to tell you some of the pros and cons.
-Great pay and benefits (they now offer Aflac as a medical insurance but for a little extra a month)
-Great hours especially if you are a student.
-Great team playing. When I say team playing, I mean working like a championship baseball team, knowing each others strengths and weaknesses and getting through hard times.
-You are able to move up in the company
-There are many more pros but that is all can come up with right now.  More will come to me later

Now here are the cons-
-I think the pay is great but I feel like some people take advantage of being a CA and not be a team player. (could elaborate more about this on later blogs or feel to add comments on this)
-Hours of deliveries from the distribution center.  Some stores are different
-The Distribution Center-----I am not too fond of the DC (short reference)  because of the temporary  workers they hire.  Some are great and some are just shit!!  I have had many times where pallets are stacked too high, some that are not proportionally fit (where it is leaning to one side but held up by the wrapping), and some that completely smashed!!!  Now, I know that this company is still building from the ground up but come on!!! How do you expect workers at the store, who are less than 5 '6" to reach pallets that are sometimes above 6 feet tall? and how do you expect the pallets to fit into the refrigerators in the backroom when the pallets are too tall?? I don't think the height is the real problem, but the way they are configured.  I have had many times where crates have fallen on me because they are put together soo bad.  That's dangerous to be honest with you.
I have also had an issue just the other day when I received an emergency withdrawal of a product, due to quality and then the following day they sent another 2 crates full of the same product.  Really??  That is just poor control.

Feel free to add any comments to this topic.  I would really love to hear what you think and feel.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Peoples attitudes

Do you choose your attitude everyday???
Do you wake up and decide hmmmm I think I going to mad today and see how people react to me.
As Wikipedia explains: "An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or dislike for something.  Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event— this is often referred to as the attitude object. People can also be conflicted or ambivalent toward an object, meaning that they simultaneously possess both positive and negative attitudes toward the item in question.
Attitudes are judgments. They develop on the ABC model (affectbehavior, and cognition)[1]. The affective response is an emotional response that expresses an individual's degree of preference for an entity. The behavioral intention is a verbal indication or typical behavioral tendency of an individual. The cognitive response is a cognitive evaluation of the entity that constitutes an individual's beliefs about the object.[citation needed] Most attitudes are the result of either direct experience or observational learning from theenvironment." (^ van den Berg et al., 2006; Eagly & Chaiken, 1998) 
.For me I hate to realize that when one thing goes wrong, my whole day is altered. I try to change and sometimes it does and other times it does not.
Working at Fresh And Easy (retail grocery store,) I try to choose my attitude when I walk in.
Retail is a very hard and demanding work place.
Tell me what you think about the word attitude and how you think you choose or feel...


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Harry Potter

Wanted to bring this topic up this it is very new!!! I am a Harry Potter fan but haven't seen the new movie.  What was your experience with the last movie and with the whole Harry Potter series?

I am really glad that they kept all of the same people for the characters.  Most other movies such as Final Destination does not, which was disappointing to me.  I liked the first one but each movie they came out with sucked ass!!! Maybe it is because they used different directors and because they are dealing with different scenarios and cheating death could also be the reason why.  Oh well.....

But please let me know what you think, but don't spoil it, I haven't seen it yet.

Later followers


Hello y'all

This is my first blog, so here we go.
Normally people first start blogging about who they, what they do for a living, and some certain topic that's on they're mind.  I don't want to do that on my first blog.  I'd like to greet you all to give me your interest, what is on your mind and what is "The Real Deal."  Hopefully I will respond and give you an answer or input and then I would like to introduce myself.
