I normally would want to blog everyday, but some days I just don't get around to it. Today I have something very interesting though at work. For all you Fresh & Easy customers beware!!! the coupon that has been sent out through your email is somewhat a misprint. It states "Buy one, get one free from our In-Store Bakery." Here is the problem. The coupon fails to state where there is a Fresh & Easy that has an "In-Store Bakery." Not all Fresh & Easy store carry a bakery and to add, at this point, stores are going under-construction to provide an In-Sore Bakery. The only stores that I know of that have an "In-Store Bakery" is Whittier and Pico Rivera.
3301 Whittier Boulevard
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 907-2540
Whittier, CA 90602
8921 Washington Boulevard
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 942-1782
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
And email me or add to my blog what you feel
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